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contoh kalimat dihukum mati

"dihukum mati" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • You stole our country's treasure which deserved a capital punishment
    Melakukan kejahatan besar, pantas dihukum mati.
  • Our Lord wants you to leave for good!
    Dan Tuan Besar bilang ingin Anda dihukum mati!
  • James Turcotte, the death row inmate from Huntsville, Texas.
    James Turcotte, dihukum mati di Huntsville, Texas.
  • As per your sins, you deserved to be executed!
    Sesuai dosamu, kau pantas dihukum mati !
  • Violation of this truce will be punishable by death.
    Pelanggaran gencatan senjata ini akan dihukum mati.
  • You're being executed for two counts of felony murder.
    Kau akan dihukum mati karena dua pembunuhan.
  • Ten women this shit country put to death,
    Sepuluh wanita di negara sialan ini dihukum mati.
  • I cannot wait to see you be put to death.
    Aku tidak sabar melihatmu dihukum mati.
  • Several of his viziers were executed for various reasons.
    Banyak menterinya dihukum mati dengan berbagai alasan.
  • We order him disposed of tonight by public execution.
    Aku perintahkan dia dihukum mati di depan umum.
  • She was pregnant and yet she was sentenced to death.
    Dia sedang hamil dan akan dihukum mati.
  • By necessity, Alexander had her uncle Attalus executed.
    Dengan terpaksa, paman Alexander, Attalus dihukum mati.
  • In the least police intervention I get put to death.
    Dalam intervensi polisi sedikitnya Aku dihukum mati.
  • Where he comes from, that's punishable by death.
    Jika ia datang, ia akan dihukum mati.
  • What if it's a murderer on death row?
    Bagaimana jika itu pembunuh yang dihukum mati?
  • You were sentenced to death for decapitating a senior officer.
    Kalian dihukum mati karena membunuh perwira tinggi.
  • He told me minutes before he was executed.
    Dia memberitahuku semenit sebelum dia dihukum mati.
  • "My father and brothers are to be executed
    "Ayahku dan saudara yang akan dihukum mati"
  • I've considered making his perversion punishable by death.
    Aku mempertimbangkan penyimpangan nya untuk dihukum mati.
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